it’s important to be able to hold uncertainty simultaneously w possibility and determination, I think. what I really love about my grad school cohort so far (and I’ve been surprised to see tbh)—is that we are all so honest about impostor syndrome and feeling uncertain.
I’d always thought that grad school is cutthroat, unsupportive. but we’re all just trying our best, and we’re admitting that together. re: possibility, I think total certainty (even if it’s being faked) discounts possibility (this is probably a duh, but saying it anyway).
one thing I appreciated about undergrad psychology research was that I was trained to say “future research should look into that idea further!” when I didn’t know the answer to a q I was asked. ok, maybe a blanket statement, but I think the sentiment behind it holds.
the statement admits that I don’t know the answer /and/ acknowledges that mine and maybe others’ knowledge on the subject is limited and could be expanded. in general, psych research taught me a lot about the importance of recognizing limitations (uncertainties) in our work—
because if we’re so certain about everything, how can we ever push ourselves to go further?
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