In light of the nervous naval-gazing state our industry/artform seems to have fallen into lately (not all the fault of a beardy wizard dude) there’s a point to which I don’t think we are giving sufficient weight.
It isn’t all about whether Superheroes have found greener pastures in land of big budget blockbusters.

It isn’t about whether or not comics are suddenly more suited to stories about teen angst and obscure sci-fi tropes.
The great strength of comics is that a small group of creators (sometimes as small as 1) can use a visual medium to tell a story pretty much as well as their talent will allow.
Meanwhile, there’s a reason that many blockbusters are so formulaic and, ultimately, a little unsatisfying. They are the product of hundreds of people trying not to lose a fortune.
A comic can be about saving the Universe or getting a band together. It lives or dies on the strength of the idea and its execution.

That is why comics are important and why they should be treasured and it has nothing to do with how “hot” superheroes are.
These thoughts are sponsored by Dalwhinnie scotch.
I reserve the right to retract some shit tomorrow.
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