First, lockdowns have enabled unprecedented corporate consolidation and strengthened the hand of big capital by destroying a large proportion of small, independent businesses. We appear to be transitioning rapidly into a new era of capitalism
with an increased fusion of the bourgeois state and business, with major implications for worker organisation.

Second, while in some scenarios mass unemployment and impoverishment can drive the masses towards revolutionary action, the international left
has been fatally weakened over the last 3 decades by the defeat of labour and state socialism. The masses are depoliticised, complacent and apathetic, while no credible revolutionary organisation exists to take advantage of the crisis.
Third, covid states of emergency/lockdowns have expanded policing and surveillance powers while curtailing freedom of assembly/movement/speech and practically abolishing parliamentary oversight in many countries.
Fourthly, covid hysteria is destroying the social fabric, turning people against each other, encouraging snitching, creating the idea that basic social interaction is harmful and irresponsible, and producing a more atomised, fearful and compliant society.

And finally
The opposition to covid restrictions has been successfully hijacked by the right, while the left, which is supposed to care about the impacts on the working class, is utterly failing to mount serious criticism of the state response.
Starmerism is a final nail in the working class coffin.
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