So my former colleagues at @AllianceDefends are under fire. A few things:

First, ADF is so "hateful" that it recently joined with the ACLU and NAACP to press for the single-most important civil rights legal reform of our time -- ending qualified immunity.
Second, it's extraordinarily successful free speech/religious freedom litigation (including a glittering record at SCOTUS) has resulted in concrete civil liberties gains for ALL people, not just Christian believers. My cases at ADF expanded liberty, for example.
Third, at Blackstone and throughout all of ADF's programs (including litigation) there has long been an emphasis on doing the right thing, the right way -- with integrity, civility, and decency.
Fourth, this is especially true at Blackstone, which I believe to be the premiere Christian legal training academy in the United States. I've spoken at Blackstone more than a dozen times, and it's been an honor. It's the ideal first summer for Christian law students.
Fifth, ADF is biblically orthodox. But biblical ethics - including sexual ethics - aren't hateful. There are dissenting moral views in the U.S., and folks of all faiths and no faith are capable of advocating for their morality AND defending the Constitution.
Sixth, if you could sum up ADF's constitutional/statutory litigation approach, it's to argue broadly for originalism/textualism. It's an approach that doesn't just respect the Constitution, it's deeply respectful of democracy.
Finally, I think it's to Amy Coney Barrett's credit that she spoke to ADF's Blackstone Fellows. It is not and should not be career-limiting for orthodox Christians to speak to other orthodox Christians about their faith, judicial philosophy, and career. /end
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