Thread: The Aura Organ

Your Heart as a Vibe Generator
🔑 Questions we’ll be exploring in this thread... ❓

- Is your heart more than a pump?

- Can we physically sense the hearts of others?

- Is the heart the source of one’s “aura”?

Let’s begin...
1st, is your heart more than a pump? ♥️

Short answer: 1000% yes.

The heart has some 40k neurons in it.

It’s also the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body.

100x greater than the EM field generated by the brain.

Just a pump?

I don’t think so...
Historically, both scientifically and spiritually, the heart has ALWAYS been very closely related to the soul.

Why do you think this is?


Maybe it’s because the electromagnetic field the heart produces can be detected up to 3 FEET outside the body...
This leads us to our 2nd question. ✌️

Can we physically sense the hearts of others?


Not only can our hearts sense the electromagnetic fields of other hearts, but they’re able to sync with them as well.

Example of a boy and his dog - look at the matching patterns:
This is what a “vibe” is. 🌀

You know exactly what I’m talking about...

You meet someone for the first time, and you just get this “vibe” from them, good or bad, without saying much of anything.

That’s your heart interacting with theirs.
Or have you ever walked into a room where...

😡 A fight just happened


🤗 Someone was positively surprised

Or where any kind of high emotional charge just took place?⚡️

You can just FEEL it when you walk in, without having had to experience or even witness it for yourself.
One could also speculate that this is what empathy is.


Is someone who is empathetic, or highly sensitive to the emotional state of others, just highly sensitive to the electromagnetic field being emitted from people’s hearts?
This, of course, brings us to our final question - and the central focus of this thread... 🧵

Is your heart, and the electromagnetic field it generates, the source of the human aura?

Is it the physical manifestation of this otherwise spiritual concept?

I think it’s likely.
Think about it... 🤔

What has the heart ALWAYS been associated with?

🔥 The soul and the personality.

What affects the rhythmic pattern of our heart more than anything else?

🎭 The emotions we feel and the states we occupy.

And the aura?

🌀 It’s the “vibe” we give off.
And the “vibe” we most often give off is always going to reflect the emotions we most often feel and the states we most often occupy...

So, ask yourself the question:

What would your aura look like..?

The emotions I most often feel are positive.

The states I most occupy are states of openness, gratitude, and abundance.

Other living creatures ABSOLUTELY sense this.

People are highly receptive to me.

Dogs and cats are attracted to me.

It is NOT a coincidence.
It’s because they can sense the nature of the electromagnetic field emitting from me.

They can pick up on my positive “aura”.

I’ve worked to embody these states to the point of them being automatic.

I’m not special, I’m just practiced.

It’s something you can learn to do, too.
If you remember nothing else from this thread, remember this:

⚪️ The internal state you occupy creates your experience of the external.

⚫️ Your experience of the external reinforces your internal state.

It is a feedback loop that starts and ends with you. ♻️
So how can you easily begin to positively shift your internal state?


I cannot stress this enough.

A practice of gratitude = a great attitude.

If you want to fundamentally change the rhythmic nature of your heart, and the vibe you give off, practice gratitude.
Tonight, before you go to bed...

Affirm ☝️ thing you’re grateful for.

And tomorrow, when you wake up...

Affirm ☝️ thing you’re grateful for.

Do this until it’s habitual, and you’ll experience amazing shifts in the way you feel.

And the vibe you emit will begin to shift too.
If you’d like to know more ways you can...

🌀 Emit better vibes.
♥️ Access your heart’s full power.
🙏 Live from a state of abundance.

These are all topics I discuss in further detail in my free weekly email newsletter.

You can sign up here👇 
My next thread will be all about your body...

Specifically, how moving the body frees the soul.

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