the sooner we can accept the reality that people can be both problematic and also great, or at least acceptable/useful, the sooner we can focus on ameliorating the "problematic" bit without utterly discarding the other bits.
some of y'all's "faves" have learned directly from people who are some level of problematic. some of y'all's "faves" hold views that you might very well consider to be problematic, or at least disagree with. this does not negate the benefit that you've ultimately received.
i'm not here to defend bad behavior, yet it might be useful to think of Pluto in Leo astros as if they're grandparents: they do not carry the worldviews of their grandchildren, but /some/ of them can be convinced to change aspects of their behavior in order to be better elders. 3
i would rather see lecturing astrologers commit to not use images of violence against marginalized people as pedagogical devices than to see young astros defect from participating in conferences bc of ignorant behavior on the part of an individual astrologer or two.
i would rather stick around to observe & participate in the shift in the community as the multiplicity of Pluto in Scorpio & Pluto in Sag occupy more and more lecture spots and seats at the astrocommunity table.
i would rather see conferences commit to setting standards around accessibility, inclusivity, & multiple forms of safety that take into consideration the true diversity of astrology enthusiasts.
i would rather see orgs spend their money on not just scholarships, but organizational positions for underrepresented groups -- when org positions are volunteer-based, it limits who can afford to commit to that level of service.
i have more thoughts on all of this, but twitter is not a good container for nuance.

i suppose you could say this is my Mercury stationing rx in my 11H wishlist 🙃
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