Today, @migueldeicaza and I will be watching the iPhone event.

Will it have a larger screen? A faster processor? Maybe, dare we dream, even USB-C? Personally I don't know if I can handle all that innovation but here we go!
I am ready, baby!
With the new iHome, every Apple product integrates nicely. Yes, you need to buy a new house but it's for better privacy and experiences.

To unlock the front door you will need your Apple ID
Intercom: You can send messages across the house. Just like Alexa. But not Alexa.
Woah, iPhone now has 5G, so you can enjoy super fast speeds while not playing 3P streaming games, not listening to 3P music stores, etc. It will be GREAT.
I too wear jeans and black t-shirt, I feel like I fit just right in
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