Sleeping Inception Dimilix: Post-game. Everyday Felix works along side the new King, and everything is going well. Their relationship is good, Fodlan is slowly but surely recovering, and the people in his life are happy and moving on with their lot. Felix is > (1/?)
mostly content, but has told himself that he is at peace with Dimitri not being interested in him Like That. Felix knows he can’t ask for more. But one day, Felix pricks his finger on an old knife left by Cornelia which was cursed. He falls under a spell and into a deep sleep....
Everyone is concerned, and put all their efforts into finding a way to wake him up. Dimitri is concerned, but has to continue on with the job of being King. And as time passes, he starts to notice Felix's absence more and more. He would turn to make a comment > (3/?)
about a cool weapon he saw, or instinctively turn to ask Felix's opinion. But Felix isn't there. He has to face down dissenting voices and negotiations without the back up of his duke. He notices how supported he felt when Felix was there, and only realises once it is gone. (4/?)
One day, Annette and Byleth announce that they think they have figured out the nature of the curse, and how to break it. The curse lets the dreamer dream of a perfect world, where the dreamer sees everything that they truly want in life. (5/?)
The only way to break the curse is to go into the dreamer’s dream, and convince them to leave the dream and return to the waking world. If they do not wake the dreamer, they will waste away.

Dimitri nominates himself to go into Felix’s dreams... *cliff hanger*
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