
सोमा॑पूषणा॒ रज॑सो वि॒मानं॑ स॒प्तच॑क्रं॒ रथ॒मवि॑श्वमिन्वम्।
वि॒षू॒वृतं॒ मन॑सा यु॒ज्यमा॑नं॒ तं जि॑न्वथो वृषणा॒ पञ्च॑रश्मिम्॥ RV 2/40/3

@Sanjay_Dixit @Aabhas24 @VandanaJayrajan @MissSingh04 @Aadishakti_101 @tripathisam2020 @DeepaShree_AB @indiadivine
हे (वृषणा) बलिष्ठ वायु और अग्नि के समान वर्त्तमान विद्वानो ! तुम (सोमापूषणा) अग्नि और वायु (रजसः) लोकसमूह के (अविश्वमिन्वम्) जिससे अविद्यमान समस्त पदार्थों को अलग करते हैं जो (विषूवृतम्)

@iamvinitshinde @jamwal_rocky @manjula10 @Archanaanu696 @smita_muk @hgoyal1 @Vaidehi____
व्यापक गमन से ढपा हुआ (सप्तचक्रम्) जिसमें सात चक्र (पञ्चरश्मिम्) तथा पाँच प्राण-अपान-व्यान-उदान और समान रश्मि के तुल्य विद्यमान (मनसा) जो अन्तःकरणस्थ विचार से (युज्यमानम्)
@gopugoswami @priyathedentico @harshasherni @AgentSaffron @Jss12418119 @khopchemein @JAIN_24T @AparBharat
युक्त किया जाता उस (विमानम्) आकाश में गमन करानेवाले (रथम्) रमणीय यान को (जिन्वथः) चलाते हैं (तम्) उसको जानो

मनुष्यों को चाहिये कि अन्तरिक्ष में गमन करानेवाले सात कलायन्त्र घुमाने के जिसमें निमित्त, ऐसे शीघ्र गमन करानेवाले रथ को बनाकर सुख पावें ॥३॥

@SuvarnMaithili @nutan_jyot
Soma and Pusha, fire and air, all-invigorating powers, create, animate and refresh that aerial chariot with seven chakras (circles and centres of energy) and
five controls for the people it traverses the spaces and
@shhudhdesi_jyo @vivekvardhan05 @Saru81589968
goes all over in all directions but is not perceived everywhere and it can be controlled with the mind.

And what we were taught in our books is write brothers fly the plane in 1903 that is completely wrong. By reading this thread you will clearly

@JustNoopur @mehergardhBaloc
know that it ancient Sages (scientist) has advanced knowledge of aircrafts there is a book called vhrid vimmanika sastra by Maharishi Bharadwaj which tells all these things. According to latest research @NASA is also working on
@umeshsalaskar @BabaIndic @BesuraTaansane
such type of aircraft which can fly with the help of Mercury & this is also mentioned in Vimmanika sastra
. That's why it is called वेदोऽखिलो धर्ममूलं
The entire Veda is the root-source of Dharma. For such interesting facts do follow me on Instagram too with the same Name &
Handle . Its time to put down my pen . I hope you will like this thread too . if you want to know more about aircraft Read my old thread on it here is the link below :


Thanks & Regards !!!

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