Hoping my dear blonks read this and other too,
1. Stanning a women doesn't make u a feminist
2. Never use the sentence 'Men can't pave way for women' cuz in now society men and women both ARE equal men can pave way for women and vice versa
3. Saying ur faves paved the way for themselves is wrong.... And also make ur faves look like they r selfish.... Like can u not understand the meaning of paved the way or the meaning of equality?? Like do y'all want me to burn my textbooks??
Paving the way has a universal meaning agreeded but u can't deny the things BTS has done and how much history they have made in the kpop and western industry y'all can brag that ur faves r charting and sht now but Imagine if ur faves came from a small company and not a big one??
So many grps from small companys have struggled thier way to the top without privilege meanwhile some of ur faves have a company that can promote which most artist can't get but deserve it!!!
Saying ur faves dont get promo is bullsht!! Comapnys don't make grps just for showcase they do promote and ur faves don't have to appear on TV shows for promo there r many forms of promo like ads, billboards, teaser uploaded in various platforms, articles but ppl r promos too
And fandoms promote too!! So again saying ur faves don't get promo is bullsht if y'all want I can give proof too!!
Saying men can't pave way sounds like without ur dad's help u were born? Do u think that's possible but that's not the point, yes men have done many sht we don't want to see or experience but hating on humble men who don't have anything to do with and degrading them is again bs
As a women I saying this men aren't the only ones who have done stupid sht in news I have seen many women have don't bullsht too, u can degrade a person if they have done unforgivable things, but degrading someone that haven't done anything to u, haven't don't bullsht++
Have learnt from mistakes and apologized letting their ego down... How can u even degrade them? Even BTS can keep their ego up and choose not to apologize, but they didn't they apologized plenty times which y'all seem to ignore, I mean u can think of it right?.
I admit it men aren't the best but they r aren't the worse to? Not all men r same y'all get pissed when we generalize ur whole fandom for being toxic. Then how can u get generalize all men to be the same? Y'all have supported artist that have done bullsht, ++
My god some even said they paved the way when all most half the members r problematic but when it comes to BTS y'all happen to ignore their apologies and degrade them
My god y'all don't have logic when y'all think y'all get into the feminist thing to much that y'all ignore that the world does have humble men not all ppl r mean, rude. Everyone is the same so stop generalizing ppl based just few ppl
This too https://twitter.com/leg_spread/status/1316044587148865536
Your allowed to hate anyone but before doing ask ur self why am I hating on this person? Cuz they r a threat to my faves? Is it a good reason to hate on them? Think like humans and not as Stans
Yes ur allowed have opinions but of its hating on someone keep it to ur self cuz it's not gonna benifit anyone and also the more u hate a person the more they achieve success
Then saying sht like 'this award is rigged' or 'this is irrelevant' after someone achieves it just proves how toxic ur. I mean when ur faves win it's fine but when someone else wins it's rigged? What kind of bullsht is this? Explain me!! Come on!!
And also fandoms calling MAMA is rigged first yall need to vote, mama is like Korean Grammy so ur faves imagine matter (addition company too) then ur faves popularity is not the only thing!! There other criterias too!!!
I have seem some of y'all talk sht limited BTS didn't achieve much in debut years ur wrong they have achieved so much but all this wasnt acknowledged cuz they weren't from a small company
Thisss https://twitter.com/egosshadow7/status/1309578420695773185
Dragging songs like black Swan and on and comparing them with ur faves song that had sht tone of promo is bullsht like why would u do that? Bruh both the songs didnt have promo most army's didn't know abt the release and more sht yet
ON- first song to debut on #1 on melon++
Debuted #4 on hot 100 it was the highest for a korean grp when it debuted also had surpassed psy’s gentlemen.
Black swan- peaked #57 despite having no promo, broke the hello which was kept for 5 years.
Yes there r toxic army's but y'all can't generalize all of us as the same again cuz it bullsht btch. And toxic army if y'all r here no one is a competition for BTS no one literally no one so don't get threatened u dumfcks🙄
DNA took around 3 years to reach 1.1billion,so what? We look forward to achieve Smth for our boys not to beat ur faves btch! We don't care weather it's fast to reach or not our goal is to achieve Smth for our boys plus we have over 200 songs and 50 MVS to stream++
Yet we made BTS get 1.1billion, BWL with 980m+ views, fake love;idol mic drop; reach 750m+ views, and many other achievements 👀 y'all want to ignore that to put ur faves up.... And that just bullsht army's don't achieve things to beat ur faves it's don't for our boys💅💅
And only for our boys who have taught us to love ourself and y'all degrading humble men that write songs for u to love urself.... Don't y'all feel ashamed of urself?? Like how do u even think of this sht Like BTS r bad and stuff?
And so what if I stan men? I Stan humble ppl that genuinely love their fans meanwhile some artist do fake sht for a fandom.
Some ppl have asked for 'proof' on how BTS paved the way, umm ok sure I'mma state more facts then 🤫
1. Yes artist like psy, and wonder girls have made impact we agree but they were quickly forgotten after like 2 songs being popular. 2.Psy fans no offense but most ppl saw him++
As a meme. Now to the topic BTS can't relate to those cuz they made HISTORY and that's why they became popular!! Kpop is a main stream cuz BTS made history and they don't even want to admit it (humble Kings)4Since y'all say ur faves paved the way pls state stuff they have done!
Saying Jimin can't sing. Who r u a music expert well then I would like to hear u sing come on send me vids! And Jimin can sing he can harmonize so well it's so pleasing to hear. 🥺 his voice is like a angels voice
Saying BTS aren't talented / overrated...
1.suga/ rm alone can outsell ur faves entire rapline combined 💅
2. Vocal line y'all can say they ain't strong and sht but ask ur faves to sing the truth untold theyll hide themselves. It's true so many have tried and failed++
Miserably 👀 and Jk alone can outsell ppl 👍
Dragging artist like twice and summi for saying BTS paved the way us hypocrisy like btch they r stating facts y y'all pissed cuz women like seeing men succeed? Why do y'all want women to succeed but not men?
Is* gosh I hate auto correct lmao.
And using u Stan men as a drag is next level hypocrisy.
Wow the thread is so long i-
I mean sorry u had read all that u must have been bored but hey just want to let u know that I love you(army's only)
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