Major disservice to Wyandotte citizens. Limited drop boxes. No communication with the SOS office re:the option to purchase more boxes with unused funds. What sounds like no local plan to expand early voting. Excuses from local officials who expect >25% turnout increase from 2016.
The drop boxes they do have aren't installed. Meanwhile, ballots are set to mail to voters... like now. When exactly will those boxes be in place? Y'all ain't got time left. Sounds like the local elections clerk is not communicating his needs to state or local officials.
I'd love to see a spending breakdown of the $75K in CARES funding that the Wyandotte elections office spent on "other costs" cited in the article. They could have purchased more drop boxes from that and had plenty of money left. What was that spent on exactly? PPE and what?
At minimum, this stark inequity didn't have to happen to Wyandotte taxpayers. TBD if this turns into a situation that systematically does more harm to Wyandotte voters than just inconveniencing them. Will there be accountability? I'm skeptical. Wyandotte folks should be enraged.
Also, shout out to all of the local elections clerks in Kansas who are diligently doing their job to provide the best service to their local citizens. JoCo, Douglas, and Sedgwick especially. Round of applause for you and all you're doing for our democracy.
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