Everything that Donald Trump has done or not done since January 20, 2017: A THREAD

In his FIRST HOUR in the WH, Trump signed an order overturning Obama’s discounted fees for the FHA’s federal mortgage program that helped middle-class, low-income and first-time homebuyers.
Also: in his FIRST HOUR in WH Trump signed an exec order “minimizing the burden of Obamacare” “pending repeal”, according to then-WH chief of staff Reince Priebus at signing ceremony in the Oval Office.

RESULT: Trump paves way for weakening Obamacare right from the VERY START.
On January 21, 2017, in his the second day in the White House, Donald Trump appointed Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser.
On January 22, 2017, Donald Trump does not release his tax returns. A statement from The White House confirms this.
On January 23, 2017, Trump signed an executive order withdrawing the United States from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Also on January 23, 2017, Trump signed an executive order that reinstated "The Mexico City Policy", which provided that international non-government organizations could not receive any foreign aid that consists of, or offers, or allows abortions as part of their family planning.
Also on January 23, 2017: Donald Trump met with 12 CEOs (including Elon Musk) of the largest U.S. corporations including Lockheed Martin. Trump declares to the business leaders that his goals are more deregulation and tax cuts for corporations. https://bit.ly/3doxDqp 
Also on January 23, 2017: Trump promotes Ajit Pai to chairman of the FCC.
Also Jan 24, 2017: Trump signs memorandum REVERSING Obama's halting of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. He signs memo REVERSING Obama's halting of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. A 3rd memo orders use of US steel for pipelines. 4th: removal of "regulatory burdens" in manufacturing.
January 25, 2017: Donald Trump signs executive order for Dept of Homeland Sec to start building a wall along the Mexico-US border. Signs second exec order to cut federal funding to "sanctuary cities", adds more border patrol and makes deportation easier. https://bit.ly/3lIdcrq 
Also on January 25, 2017: Trump bans all Environmental Protection Agency employees from any contact with journalists or being on social media.
January 27, 2017: Trump meets with then-UK PM Theresa May at the White House. May is the first world leader that Trump has met with in person.
This thread will continue. Stay tuned.
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