Lauren Chen is from Quebec where I fucking live so I'm going to be going on a huge fucking rant about what a lying sack of shit she is.
1) No one is fucking saying that the healthcare system in Canada is FULL OF ROSES. We are well aware that the system is not perfect. I don't know where you're fucking getting this. We're saying though, that there's the option for those that are not as rich as you Lauren, to ...
...get the fucking healthcare that they have the right to as a citizen of our country.
2) Unfortunately, we're also dealing with a pandemic at the moment and Quebec is currently under CODE RED. Meaning, we still have a shit ton of people that are getting diagnosed with COVID..
...So that means wait times here are even WORSE because of this. So yes, lucky for rich people like you, you can fly to the U.S. and get quicker treatment that your simp followers are help paying for even though you are swimming in it.
3) We have private healthcare you, numbnut.
...You have the chance and the fucking money to go for private healthcare here but you chose to suck money out of your idiotic fanbase. Like I said before, my throat was checked in private healthcare and I had to pay way less than what you will be paying in the U.S.
Oh, btw,...
....she's also asking her followers to help pay for the TRAVEL EXPENSES. Wonderful.
So yes, Canada's healthcare system is not perfect, but it gives poor people the chance to get the healthcare they need and for rich fucks like you to pay for private.
Migrants actually have difficulty accessing our healthcare systems because they are not born citizens. They don't have health insurance card that we all have. I work in the healthcare system sweetie, I know you're lying.
At my work, we have what's called a migrant clinic. It gives migrants the chance to get the healthcare they need that you're claiming they seem to be getting in the same fashion as we are. You're a straight up lying c*nt.
My work is living proof you're LYING.
So no, migrants ARE NOT FUCKING using our free healthcare system you know, like you are claiming to your dumb as fuck audience. Unlike you, I work in this system, I know more than you, and it's depressing how many people are eating up your bullshit. FUCK YOU.
To end this long af rant, Lauren Chen is known for saying stuff like: Immigrants should assimilate into the country they are moving to!
Yet, Lauren lives in my fucking province: a french province where she sits on her ass and makes videos about politics from the U.S. INTERESTING.
Interesting how she claims we should assimilate into the culture of where we move to, yet she is not speaking french and instead focusing on outside politics. Almost as if she's grifting. Hmm...
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