Watching WOKE on Hulu ( @WokeHulu) and reading INTERSECTIONAL TECH by @KishonnaGray.

I noticed something interesting: A new definition of “algorithms.”
Chat excerpt from INTERSECTIONAL TECH:

ChrisIsNice: We don’t need social media reminding us every minute that black lives don’t matter.

Smif&Wes: Just follow the stuff that ain’t all negative.

silentassasin321: Get ya algorithms right!

[All laughing]
Ayana broke up with her girlfriend, WOKE, Episode 7:

Clovis: You wanna go ahead and talk about your girl?

Ayana: No I don’t, I just want to … fuck up her algorithms! Netflix, Hulu, all of that. So what do you think, 10 minutes of each of these shitty Lindsay Lohan movies?
The CS prof in me says “these dummies don’t know what algorithms are.”

First, all the speakers are Black, so that would be a bad look.

Second, it would miss the interesting part. Their intended meaning is clear. It’s just not the traditional definition from CS class.
CS definition of “algorithms”: Fixed computational recipes that I can study and analyze. The inputs and outputs may vary, but the recipes remain fixed.

Students learn about them, and think: one day, if I’m lucky, I’ll get to design my own.
New definition of “algorithms”: Surveillance data of me, used to compute a shadow simulation of me, that's then fed back to me, so that I’ll generate more data.

It's all such an opaque monolith that calling it “algorithms” is an acceptable synecdoche.
It’s a grim reflection on CS that people outside our field have converged on this definition.

If you work in CS, it’s worth asking: am I just a piece of intestine inside a coprophagic surveillance ouroboros?
Alas, all this may be common knowledge to History of Science people ( @hssonline).

And, I may have been missing the double meaning in @safiyanoble's title ALGORITHMS OF OPPRESSION this whole time?!
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