a thread of questions about your mutuals to answer when you're bored:
tag your favourite mutual/mutuals
funniest mutual
the zero braincells/dumb mutual
most popular mutual
most problematic mutual
least problematic mutual
mutual with the best taste
mutual with the best layout/username
horniest mutual
sweet, caring mutual
the mutual who never sleeps, shit post 24/7 mutual
most creative mutual
mutual who makes the most typos
mutual with the best edits/fancams
most annoying mutual
ride or die mutual
the flop mutual
mutual most likely to disappear without a trace
most dedicated to their fav mutual
the bully mutual
most helpful mutual
the ranting 24/7 mutual
intimidating mutual
that's it hope you enjoyed, solo harries shawn stans and 5sos stans follow me incase this blows up byee
You can follow @KISSYWONDER.
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