so it's been a hot minute since i went digimon cyber sleuth on main and that just won't do.

they're a duology kinda like p2 but modern! and i definitely don't mean that in the p5 way.

CS and HM are the same story from different PoVs. pls play them in order. spoiler-free gays!
this screen is from the 2nd game (hacker's memory). yuuko is a central chara in both and fei is canonically her punchy gf who will fight an incel AND a gym rat simultaneously and win. they're lesbians, harold

they're also extremely plot relevant so uhh play the games to find out
ah, a babie. this is yu! his repressed gay crush on keisuke/protag is a good 50% of the plot, no joke. you go on like 5 dates with him in increasingly sappy locations like ferris wheels/aquariums n shit. YOU CAN ACTUALLY TELL HIM BRO I LOVE YOU TOO DURING THE BIG HURTY ARC CLIMAX
yu is also a badass and a half hacker who can, will, and has completely dismantled ppl for harassing his useless trophy husband but. moving on,

tonewise HM is the p2 to CS's p5... erika/wormmon are basically futaba/mona but gOD FUCKIGN DAMN I CRIED. they're HM's deuteragonist.
NOT pictured: hibiyama lovechild from the desu2 franchise

but yeah that's sanada arata engaging in a very gay heart to heart fist to fist bonding moment w protag. this is the fem protag (ami) but there's no story/text differences. protag gets flirted with a lot by him and kyoko.
btw this is kyoko. +m!protag/aiba takumi, who lives in constant fear of her nuclear coffee. HM has bonus scenes you find as memory files (see title) and the closest both protags get to meeting is keisuke finding their "If You're Reading This, Tell My Family I Loved Them" record
this is nokia. she's a nokia brick joke. wimbo to the ABSOLUTE MAX and also ends up a fucking nuke w/ omnimon by virtue of Friendship Power being a series mechanic. i adore her

she's kinda like yuzu but with the freakout replaced by immaturity? endearingly annoying and hilarious
the character designs for both games were done by yasuda suzuhito, so it's probably(?) not a coincidence they look like desu2's LOL

fuckign,, antigravity yasutitties

a-anyway everyone in this game is a LOSER and a NERD and i love them all. So much
hacker's memory more like gay rights! the game with a side of siscon's internalized toxic masculinity paired with crushing responsibilitiesTM and having to grow up too fast

butterfly motifs, of the chuang tzu variety!

and chitose. bisexual king (loser)
one of the most satisfying FUCK YEAH, STICK IT TO THE OLD PEOPLE scenes in the history of gaming!!!

yeah that's "hudie" as in 蝴蝶. team name and also recurring motif that becomes EXTREMELY PAINFUL later :'(
this tiny pastel twink is a top and if you stan lan zhan, yuri leclerc or lio fotia you are Contractually Obliged to stan nogi yu

yessir i want ur meat plz and thank u
its 1am and this thread is clearly falling apart so uh. yeah
play cyber sleuth! it's on the switch, ps4 and psv- the switch one is bundled even! but honestly even separate for $80 total, z e r o fucking regrets

p.s. no context
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