Personally I believe that reduced content won’t work either for exams. For starters, considering how the government has handled this, I strongly believe they will not reduce content in a beneficial way and will only cut out the content we missed during official lockdown (1/?)
This is NOT good enough as students, like myself, are STILL being heavily impacted by missed content. I have not had consistent teaching for the entire time I’ve been back at college, both of my teachers now have to self isolate until half term (2/?)
I am self teaching myself the hardest topics in my subjects, I have tried effortlessly to understand the topics but simply cannot without face to face teaching and in class discussions. As a result I feel like I have not learnt a single thing in these topics and I would need -
the three extra weeks, in college and outside of college, to catch up on this missed work alone! (3/?)
I am doing online classes for one teacher, most students in my class are being made to stay in college/class and project the lesson onto the board. They cannot contribute to the lesson properly because they have one shared microphone, as a result my teacher is having to skip -
class discussions and asking students questions to ensure they understand the topic. My other teacher hasn’t marked a single piece of work, now she has stopped setting work all together because she is very ill and trying to look after her young kid at the same time (4/?)
On top of all this, from what I have seen there are no universal procedures for how colleges and schools should be operating apart from masks and social distancing (some aren’t even following this). Other colleges in my area are having a week in and a week off with online -
lessons. Others, like my college, are just “going with the flow” as it seems and some aren’t in at all! (5/?)
A levels are NOT designed for the type of independent learning we are being made to do, if they were we would be functioning like universities. It is outrageous that students are expected to be okay with constantly flipping between online and face to face learning (6/?)
For the reduced content to be “fair” and account for everyone, the entirety of year 13/11 would have to be cut out. Missed content is no longer just the lockdown stuff, it is ongoing as like I said students are still missing content with sudden isolation periods and teachers -
not being able to teach properly. This is going to carry on until the exam period. There is no fair way of calculating what colleges and schools have missed without discriminating against students and teachers who can’t help it if they have to self isolate, -
students who cannot attend online lessons because they don’t have access to a laptop/WiFi, students with poor family lives and students who are struggling enormously with their mental health (7/?)
I apologise if this thread seems disorganised but I am beyond frustrated with how this is all being dealt with. These exams determine our future, yet someone who doesn’t have to take these exams and already has their future is deciding the outcome of it -
Listen to those who know best in this situation, teachers and students. We are telling you that we are not mentally or physically ready to take official exams, even with reduced content. CANCEL A LEVEL AND GCSE EXAMS 2021. (8/?) #alevel21strike #alevel2021 #GCSEs2021
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