Awesome term innit?! Inspiration porn is the idea that a #disabled person is inspirational simply because they have a disability.

For example...
"You're so brave living your life like that."

"It's amazing how happy you are - if it was me I wouldn't even want to get out of bed in the morning."

"I find people like you so inspirational for all you manage to do in spite of everything."

(🤢 amma right?)
*Inspiration porn" was coined by disability rights activist Stella Young when she spoke about how disabled people should be celebrated for their achievements, not their disabilities. "Disability doesn’t make you exceptional, but questioning what you think you know about it does.”
Having #spinabifida & #scoliosis does not make me exceptional. Navigating the world in a wheelchair does not make me inspirational. By all means, feel free to be inspired by my work, my achievements & stuff I say, but there's no need for you to be inspired by my disability alone.
Stella's words are her legacy &, like she said, we ALL need to keep questioning what we think we know about #disability.

Thank you for the wisdom, Queen.

Stella Young - 1982-2014. đź–¤

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