Can’t stand when people test for “intelligence” or capability by asking “simple, easy” questions. There are many facts someone may find simple but I do not or just don’t remember them, and then if I get it wrong I’m branded beyond stupid. It’s a cruel setup masked as being nice.
To give a code example, I find list sorting super difficult to think on and hard to memorize solutions for. Yet I’m extremely capable of working on complex code + just look sorting up. My brain is built different than people who find that “easy,” it doesn’t make me any less smart
On top of it, the stress of knowing if I get this question wrong I’ll be branded “stupid” can be enough to paralyze my brain, and then guess what, I get even things I find simple wrong. It’s a setup, like I said. “Nice” within a corrupt system can backfire and be the opposite.
I type thoughts like this out not because I deal with this much anymore, but because I see people talk about this and I know how it feels, and maybe this gives someone words or makes them feel less alone in thinking this
Kinda the same theme as this thread, just addressing another “but how about a friendly looking corrupt system instead of just abandoning the corrupt system” type of solution.
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