1/n #Marx was anti-science. It is very clear from his writings. He was keen on forming a science theory in perspective of just another Abrahmic Religion.

In this thread I put across how Marxists were messing up with science starting from Prophet Marx.
2/n Marx was looking for incorporation of physical sciences with ‘the science of man,’ (Marxism). Nothing different than Abrahmics.

Source:Private Property and Communism,1844 https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1844/manuscripts/comm.htm
3/n 2 years after Darwin published "Origin of Species", Marx wrote to Lassalle (1861), explaining how it has explained "Class Struggle's" historically. It had exited him and he ended up writing "Das Kapital" after 6 years from then.

Source: Marx To Ferdinand Lassalle In Berlin
4/n web link for source of 3/n https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/works/1861/letters/61_01_16.htm

Then after a year Marx expresses further amusement towards Darwin's theory stating that it speaks of class struggle even among animals and plants.

Source:Karl Marx Letter To Engels, 18/6/1862 https://marxists.catbull.com/archive/marx/works/1862/letters/62_06_18.htm
5/n 2 years before publishing "Das Kapital", Marx wrote to Friedrich Engels mentioning how Pierre Trémaux's work seems more significant than that of Darwin for it's confirmation to his theory. eg, class struggle in geology.

Source: Karl Marx Letter To F Engels, 7/8/1866
6/n So question arises that why suddenly Marx thought Darwin is wrong? It happened because he found some other theory which would support his ideas. For him, every science that supported his theory was to be glorified and what didn't go hand in hand was supposed to be killed.
7/n Churches suppressed the science because not many discoveries had came their way and they always wanted to preserve traditions. But this persecution of Science by Marx and his followers was quite troubling as they always portrayed themselves to be rationalists.
8/n Though they always tried to safeguard the prophecy of Marx, by using the "Science" as a tool. Their objective was to use "Science" as prop than be objective about it.

They tried hard to bend science based on concreted theory of dialectical materialism.
9/n While "Marxism" had become vogue, the Physics was under new developments. Classical Mechanics had challenge from Modern Physics.
10/n Lenin, saw "dialectical materialism" was losing its ground because of Modern Physics development. He goes on to pass judgments of the physicists of that time.

One can read his book "Materialism and Empirio-criticism" to know it well. Here is a snippet from the book.
11/n Pierre Duhem a physicist, a philosopher of science mentions that- 'the laws of physics as “neither true nor false but approximate” because they are “symbolic” picturing the reality “in a more or less precise, a more or less detailed manner.'
12/n Lenin goes on to criticize him stating that this is his falsity.

Source-Materialism and Empirio-criticism

Today is some Leftist going to question his credibility as Science Expert that he went on to call so?
13/n Lenin found Duhem false, L de Broglie, described him as a theoretical physicist who "bequeathed a beautiful & great work where physicists of today can still find numerous topics worthy of reflection & study".

Source:Benevolent Living: Tracing the Roots of Motivation to God
14/n Of all, Mach has been brutally criticized by Lenin in his book "Materialism and Empirio-criticism".

Somehow Mach's idea of electrons, protons being related to human mind, disappoints Lenin a lot.
15/n Lenin was indeed dogmatic to safeguard his prophet Marx. As per A.V. Vasil’ev, a mathematician at Kazan University, Mach's idea had influence on what Einstein went on to discover.

Source:Einstein and Soviet Ideology by Alexander Vucinich

So, Lenin was anti-science!
16/n Lenin saw "Modern Physics" as anti-growth.

He has expressed it quite well in his book "Materialism and Empirio-criticism".

The clash between Newtonian Physics and Modern Physics seemed clash between growth and dogmas to Marxists.
17/n Lenin was trying best to see that his prophet Marx's Theory does not suffer at all and that is what all Marxists would do when in power. Its is not about "Science" or "Truth" but cherry-picking thing called "studies" under banner of science that could suffice their theory.
18/n This becomes quite evident from Lenin's book "On Culture and Cultural Revolution".

Does the assertion not appear like "Kalima"?

He says, "Marxist doctrine is omnipotent..."

Their veil of being rationalist,anti-religion makes them more dangerous than any religion on planet
19/n The Marxists one in power at Soviet, had all sorts of problem with Einstein.

Read this snippet from-Einstein and Soviet Ideology
by Alexander Vucinich, pg, 18-19
20/n Lenin's "Materialism and empirio-criticism" had become tool to judge science and pass censorship regarding what is "Science".

A.K.Timiriazev & A.A.Maksimov. Timiriazev were the most influential scientist in the Communist Academy of the Social Sciences.
21/n They were most active member of the editorial board of the Marxist theoretical journal, "Under the Banner of Marxism."

Timiriazev, found Einstein’s theories falling “far below the norm” without verification.

Source:Einstein and Soviet Ideology by Alexander Vucinich
22/n Timiriazev’s article on Einstein made Lenin hopeful that the modern natural scientists will defend and preach against the idealism and skepticism .

Source:On the Significance of Militant Materialism, 12/3/1922 https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1922/mar/12.htm
23/n Lenin had given enough encouragement to Timiriazev, that he sarcastically denied in a public meeting having suggested that Einstein be shot.

Source:Physics and Politics in Revolutionary Russia
By Paul R. Josephson
24/n I came across the book, "The Innermost Kernel: Depth Psychology and Quantum Physics : Wolfgang Pauli’s Dialogue with C.G. Jung" wherein the reason is explained that why Lenin could not digest Mach.
25/n Author explains that "Marxists were so firmly based on 19th century ‘concretism’ that in the end it could not accept Mach’s emphasis on human experience as the foundation of science."

Modern Physics was certainly aligning with Indic idea of cosmos.
26/n Came the 1926, Heisenberg comes up with "Uncertainty Principle' and Neils Bohr with "Principle of Complementarity".

Marxists theoreticians' attack on Copenhagen School intensified.

Source:Einstein and Soviet Ideology by Alexander Vucinich
27/n Timiriazev led Marxist anti-Einstein crusade & made comrades to wage ideological war against Einstein & networked with anti-Einsteinian global elements in physics like Lenard in Germany & Dayton in the United States.

Source:Einstein and Soviet Ideology by Alexander Vucinich
28/n Matvei Bronshtein, George Gamow and Yuriy Rumer, called as Musketeers deviated from dialectic materialism & were genius physicists. They also had a Jazz band. They were crushed by Soviet.
29/n Gamow drew cartoons ridiculing the attempts of Marxist scientists to comprehend the new physics through inconsistent mechanical concepts of ethers, the hollow scientists of Communist Academy of Science attacked them viciously.
30/n Each of the members of the Jazz band had to pay for charges like transgressions against the state. Gamow emigrated, ending up at the University of Colorado; Ivanenko was briefly arrested; Bronshtein was shot in 1937; and Landau was in prison for a year before being released.
31/n Source for 28-30/n
Red Atom: Russia's Nuclear Power Program from Stalin to Today by Paul R. Josephson
32/n Does this act of Communists reminds you of what was done to #CharlieHebdo ? https://twitter.com/Aabhas24/status/1315965384479010817?s=20
33/n 1947, Marxist Philosopher A. A. Maksimov attacked an article on the epistemological problems in quantum mechanics (by Moisei A. Markov ) published by a Soviet journal. He did so because the article was based on Bohr’s complementarity principle.
34/n 1948, the editor of the journal was removed & the Copenhagen school’s interpretation of quantum mechanics was decreed as detested to the Marxist dialectical materialism & banned from the Soviet physics curriculum for the next one decade.
36/n Sergei Kaftanov, the minister of higher education in the Stalin’s regime, complained in a letter to Deputy Premier Klimenti Voroshilov of non exposure of dialectical materialism in school's physics teaching.

Read the snippet from the same source as in 35/n
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