tw // drugs for the entire thread
alright. tegridy farms. lets fucking discuss.
we already know randy was most likely (if not THE) cause for the covid pandemic. but lets kick it up a notch.
what if randy was the cause for a water shortage in south park.
now hear me out. lets bring some facts into this.
currently, theres a huge drought/water shortage going on in california. we already know this, it isnt news.
but, what could be news to some of yall is the fact its getting worse.
the water shortage has been progressively growing worse ever since weed was legalized in california. since california is known for agriculture, it would only make sense that there'd be huge hemp farms. Just Like Tegridy Farms.
ok so now ur wondering, "timo, where the fuck does tegridy and randy causing the water shortage in south park come into this" just wait ill get there.
lets also look at a few different facts before i present my argument or whatever.
the united states is already suffering a water shortage, and a solid part of the west coast is in a severe drought. and one of those states that is suffering from drought is colorado.
so now i bring tegridy farms and randy fucking marsh into the mix.
like i stated earlier, cannabis takes ALOT of water to properly grow. you cant take too much water from neighboring rivers and ponds without affecting the natural wild life, and u can only take so much from reservoirs until its gone. you also have an entire town that needs water
so with limited water sources since they live in butt fuck middle of nowhere, what im tryna say is randy marsh could be a huge contributor, if not THE cause for a water shortage in south park and neighboring towns/cities. but now lets talk about if a shortage actually happened.
for now, lets just hypothetically say the water in starks pond and neighboring rivers (if there are any) are unsafe to consume. so the water source the town of south park relies in is underground reservoirs.
what would happen if most of the water was used up?
lets look at all the cities that currently are suffering water shortages. like flint, michigan for example.
citizens in flint rely heavily on packages of bottled water to sustain their daily lives. showers, cooking, washing, even DRINKING.
south park and probably neighboring cities would need to get help from the state government to help supply them with water, and families that live in poverty (cough kenny cough) may not even be able to GET fresh water.
and who is to blame? randy fuckin marsh.
so basically what im saying is fuck randy marsh. thats it. thats the entire thread. thank u for reading
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