now here’s a thread of questions if you’re in a GC :)

- rt if you’re doing it
- quote your answers please
Who’s the most active one in the gc?
who’s always h word?
who’s always saying “HELP”
who’s always ready to fight someone?
who’s always crying?
who’s always coming into the gc not knowing what’s going on?
who never sleeps?
who’s always giving the best advice?
who’s the funniest?
do you have a crush on anyone in the gc?
has anyone in the gc said something that made you uncomfortable?
who’s always simping over someone?
who’s always “spilling the tea”?
who’s got the most tattoos? (if applicable)
who’s the oldest?
who’s the youngest?
who’s always leaving but gets added back anyway?
do you have anyone in the gc muted? 👀
who are you closest with in the gc?
are you following everyone back who’s in the gc?
who’s always sending memes into the chat?
who do you want to meet the most from the gc?
if you could sum up the gc in one word what would it be?
who makes the best edits?
who makes the best fancams?
who has the best taste in music?
who has the best layout?
who has the most tweets?
who’s always yelling in the chat?
if someone in the gc were to become famous, who would it be and why?
who’s the worst texter/replies late?
who’s always complaining about school/work?
what song do you associate with your gc?
if someone in the gc were to start a nsfw acc who would it be? 👀
people in the gc you wanna get closer with?
i’ll add more@once i think of more. or dm me questions to add
You can follow @softloveni.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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