Hange and Armin “deaths”
While re-reading the SNK manga, the chapter of Armins almost-death felt almost like an EXACT copy of Hanges “death”
Both sacrifice themselves to the colossal titans, burning to a crisp in the very act of doing so
BOTH maybe could’ve survived if time was on their side, notice how both of them forced themselves to keep going and say the line “not yet” and persist to fight the titan.
BOTH end up falling to a fiery death at the feet of a colossal titan
And now the final scariest similarity that i still can not get over, the last words of some of their best friends/comrades.
I would also just like to add, if Yams wanted us to know Hange was dead, why didn’t he just show her getting crushed? Its not like he has a problem with that considering he gave that fate to these poor guys
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