Yesterday was one of the most depressing days of my life. I will be honest - it really wasn’t good at all.

The day always had a choreographed feel to it. Scientists briefing in the morning, Commons statement and then the Press Conference. The scientists answered questions honestly but the message was clear - it was not good. —>
Then the theatre of Boris answering questions and giving his statement. The pathetic sight of our democracy failing in front of us as Tory MPs asked a slew of sycophantic questions beginning, “Does my honourable friend agree that ...?” —>
There was no meaningful questioning: Starmer standing back like a lesser Muhammad Ali playing rope-a-dope. One question would have sorted it, “Prime Minister, is this what the scientific advice recommended?” Nothing, more rope-a-dope.—>
On then to the “Downing Street” briefing. Johnson trying to sound statesman-like but failing. Charlotte from somewhere in the Midlands asking the soft question about Christmas to get things started.—>
Charlotte didn’t ask “You said we’d see the back of this in 12 weeks and then that we’d have normality by November, why did you lie?” No, Charlotte’s Christmas question was designed to stop that line of questioning. —>
The usual suspects liking the sound of their own voices above effective questioning droned on. By this time, I am bored but not angry. We’ve been here before.—>
Then Whitty drops a bombshell - the tier 3 restrictions are not enough to stop things. But it’s too late in the day. No one asks the question that Starmer missed. Boris has made it to the end.->
Then later on we get the real story. SAGE had suggested a circuit breaker back in September. That was published after our choreographed day had ended. We’d all been played.—>
We’d paid for lunch, got the best seats at the theatre, enjoyed the cocktails and then our date had said that their boyfriend/girlfriend would be back tomorrow. “Oh, didn’t I tell you...?”—>
We’d been playing find the lady with an expert. We had won at first and then they suggested one last game. Double or quits? We’d lost. —>
We’d been sat down with the double glazing salesman for what seemed like a day. He said he had given us the best price but he liked us. He would ring his manager and then we’d paid a bit extra for the gas filled option.—>
Yes, yesterday was depressing. We were alone in the bar, had lost our money on find the lady and paid over the odds for double glazing all in one day. We’d been had. By our own PM in the middle of a pandemic. That’s depressing.
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