idk, sum about saying you don’t respect our beliefs but you love us despite, sits wrong w me. it’s not our belief to be different, it’s not like you believe in being gay or trans or just any type of different. you just are those things.
the bible is an outdated piece of literature, a piece of history. how people were taught to live thousands of years ago. there are still some good take aways don’t get me wrong, loving everybody despite there wrongs is a good lesson, but it’s still way out of date. tell me
how many of y’all where loinclothes? and again, you all cherry pick what parts you want to fit modern society and which ones you don’t. the words of the bible have also been changed so many times, the bible has been passed down so many times and rewritten so how can you entirely
believe it? it’s already been proven that key scriptures have been changed to fit an agenda.
also don’t take this thread out of context, i still respect christians and god and whoever else, it’s just when your beliefs start to disrespect me and my life and try to say that me living as myself, how i feel comfortable, is wrong.
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