Distinguished, I usually don’t engage petty thoughts like this but lest those whose hearts are hungry feed on your mischief, let me state here that I have NEVER been a fan of protest knowing how it makes a bait of the vulnerable we seek to protect. 👉🏽 https://link.medium.com/cNhguBEDxab  https://twitter.com/_sirwilliam_/status/1315767350768041987
Learn more about the Movement and Advocacy. It is not the same as the PROTEST. The protest is the constitutional expression of discontent by every individual who so chooses to engage. We simply created a valid case for the CAUSE based on research and consideration of extant laws.
The conversation started long ago and have achieved so much you probably May never know because we are not selling ourselves. Our goal is to create a future and legacy for our children that our fathers were not brave enough to create for us. You can’t protest forever.
It may make you feel good now but the frenzy ends and the trends fade. You won’t be there to determine what policies or shape perception of decision makers. Govt operate via legacy structures and chain of command. The interpretation of actions matters a great deal.
Without the public Advocacy the protest will not be effective and may achieve nothing. It took years for us to get here. Barriers have been broken even under political tension and prejudices. This toxic attitude towards people seeking to make a difference has discouraged many.
We deserve the Govt we get. The Police are from society and sometimes if not always they mirror us. Imagine a gun in your hands right now with that faulty perception of yours based on the projection of personal failure unto someone you may never meet and never know. Seek help.
Birds don’t sing for the advancement of music neither do they stop being themselves based on accolades or criticism. I seek no external validation and not an iota of my self esteem is tied to your acceptance. You own your protest. That’s your response to stimuli.
Leadership, however, is responsibility. The #EndSARS #ReformPoliceNG Movement is not the declaration of war on society or the @PoliceNG it is a doubled edged sword bridging the institutional gap between society and the police. Police are citizens too & our lives matter.
The harmful cultural practices including cyberbullying and attempt to disparage and denigrate individuals is as good as shooting someone unprovoked simply because we feel intimidated. How are you different from those you protest against? Listen to my words again & read your tweet
You can now see that this says a lot about you than the person you hope to rile the people against. But I wish that you heal. The things I see you may never see in a hundred years. Police won’t harass me or harm my kids but I fear for your future should you continue this way.
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