It's an established fact that the rightwing will target any Indian company that promotes interfaith harmony, but this BoycottTanishq campaign has an especially ugly edge to it.

Over the last few years, the #lovejihad campaign has been v successful in some North Indian states +
+ Couples are policed on suspicion of being of different religions — interfaith and intercaste marriage are the two things that the RW fears most.

#LoveJihad itself, the ugly and false belief that Muslims deliberately target Hindu women, is not fringe anymore. It's mainstream.
+ As an aside, take a little time to count the number of times "love jihad" or other kinds of "jihad" are mentioned on Sudarshan TV, Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups etc.

Hatred against Muslims has been so normalised that people only react when it's something like UPSC Jihad.
+ The Tatas and #Tanishq have been viciously targetted because their campaign is about values like interfaith harmony, oneness, dismantling prejudices.

The RW can't stomach any ads that treat Hindu-Muslim relationships as normal, or question the poisonous myth of love jihad.
+ You could trend a Support #Tanishq hashtag. But try something else: call out TV channels that push love jihad hate propaganda 24/7.

And tell @TwitterIndia to stop allowing hate propaganda under hashtags such as BoycottTanishq. The platform needs to clean house, seriously.
+ On the role of @TwitterIndia (and @TwitterSupport). Every day, you see trends on Indian Twitter that feature violent, bigoted, hate content.
Most of this is a) part of orchestrated political campaigns b) in violation of their ToS.
This platform is actively enabling hate.
You can follow @nilanjanaroy.
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