Fellow members of the #resitstence, please join me in celebrating the birthday of our dear leader, @ResitsTrump.

What better way to celebrate her than by exploiting her favorite leisure activity to create a new tradition...
That's right, posting gifs...

It was on this day in the year 1989, that a certain teenager went into labor during her shift at Jacksonville's famous Beach Road Chicken Dinners. Hours later, the child fated to lead us was born.
Never a shy girl she blossomed early on into the traits we know now.
And as she grew, so did her talents, briefly starting a musical career...
As is too often the case this glimpse of the limelight led to unhealthy choices and unflattering topless photos leaked on the internet...
But after founding the KBT #SundayRunday program for the advancement of fat kids who can't run good, she's become the face who we all love today...
And soon she'll be known as the Congresswomxn who will make sure no Republican ever controls Florida's 28th district.
Let us all toast @ResitsTrump and thank her for bringing light back to our corner of the internet using her own love language... Creepy internet gifs. #karin4birthdaygirl
And let us return to this very hashtag and do this again next year... Viva la KBT... Viva la #resitstance!
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