Also, biiiiiiiig shoutout the the homie @kyliebughill23 for being our firts sub on twitch you dont understand the joy amd excitment that brings me. Ive been streaming off and on for 2 years now and here in this last month has been huge for me. I hit affiliate got me forst sub
Also got my first ever donation, my first bits and have gained almost 200 followers. These may seem little to a lot of people but for me it means everything. I cant e en express the feelings i am feeling over this. Streaming literally made me excited to get out of bed everyday
And seeing my viewers there and interacting with them makes everything even better. Thats why i really want your honest feedback on my streams. A month ago i was averaging 9 viewrs per stream. But this past week im lucky to even get one. I try to help everybody i can
And i try to follow and hop into everyones streams. But are people only following me just for me to do this? Im all about making friends but i dont like being used. Thats the best part of this experience is making new friends and i honestly feel as tho ive made some really
Good life long friends. Im not trying to rant here or have a pity party thrown i just really want someone to give me HONEST feedback. Anything that will help me improve as a creator.
You can follow @krombopulosmi16.
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