At the risk of killing my DM's, now that @BittrScrptReadr is Adam, a quick story on why I love Twitter & how Twitter is a decent tool for networking...if used correctly.

So, it's some time ago and I'm running my first show and I get on Twitter and I start to notice people... /1 of which was @BittrScrptReadr. I liked his content and that puppet and I thought...this person is interesting.

He (I assumed it was a he) seemed to know a lot and be super passionate about television. So, from time to time we'd interact and I'd ask questions of him... 2/
...and he'd reach out to me with thoughts and we became --- I guess -- friends who didn't know each other. Time passes, my show gets cancelled, I move on to another and then another and on that 2nd another show I needed a writer's PA and I thought to myself... 3/
...that @BittrScrptReadr needs to get in a room. More, if I were to get him on staff I'd get a crapton of TV knowledge for the price of a writer's PA.

So, I asked him to coffee and we talked and I offered him the job and though it was just PA he decided to go for it... 4/
...and that was how we worked together. And I think he learned a lot and I know I got a heap of goodies from having him around. But the key to the relationship was that we both were patient and inquisitive & he did the super smart thing of just showing me his value without... 5/
...immediately asking for anything. TV is a "who you know" business", but getting to know anyone is !@#!#$@ impossible...but for this weird internet thing.

So, be kind. Make stuff. Reach out and add value. Have faith. It might just work out. end/
You can follow @JeffLieber.
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