Marriage between a Han Girl and a Tibetan man.A Han girl from Chengdu married a Tibetan man from Xiaojin area. Together they built a new house and opened a hotel. They help local farmers sell their produce by promoting the Chinese version of TIKTOK.They have 800,000 followers.
She helped local villagers sell millions of dollars of agricultural products using Internet media. This is how much she paid the villagers for the apples👍👍🍎🍎
Their Apple ads on the Chinese version of TIKTOK😍😍😍
I don't know if you can follow the plot. The visitor asks, is the sound insulation of the hotel room good? The boss was called in by the proprietress and the tests were carried out on the spotđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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