TW: assault, racism

My Grandma was terrified to vote. Because as a kid in the 30's and 40's she saw her father get the living shit kicked out of him every November. He dared to vote. He was First Nations and an immigrant. His right to vote was not guaranteed by law. (1/5)
My mom turned 18 in time for the Voting Rights Act of 65. Grandma watched her daughter put on pale foundation and her Sunday Best to go vote. Grandma and my Roma Grandpa stayed home. They hovered over a first aid kit, believing their daughter might come back bloody, or worse. (2)
Mom started taking me to vote with her in the early 90's. Still dressed up, paleface makeup, standing in line however long it took. In the booth she held me on her hip, showed me what she was doing. She couldn't help me understand why Grandma stayed home, sobbing and praying. (3)
Grandma voted for the first time with me in 05. She was terrified, but she finally did it. She was a native girl who had rocks thrown at her every day, walking to school while brown. She couldn't believe we might walk out of that polling place without bruises and split lips. (4)
So people who think voting is a hassle, they're "not political," they don't see a point in participating... my family fucking bled for this. My Grandma prayed and cried for this. You've never considered what it's like to be anything but #WhiteInAmerica. (/5)
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