“White Self Determination,” as describe does not technically exist. Here is what those “oppressed white people mean,” these Scots, and Irish, and Roma, Serbian etc peoples are expressing discontent at being relegated to the lower rungs of white supremacy.
They seek freedom from their ruling class white oppressors to seek their own freedoms, for them and their peoples. Which, by means is no issue, not at all, we all seek to eliminate the white supremacist bourgeoisie domineering our livelihoods.
The issue(s), being, that again these predominately white ethnic peoples, again exist and act within a certain proximity of white supremacy, they are inherently beholden to it. The Gaelic Irish deserve to be free of the oppressive Anglo-Saxon British regime, sure.
However both these peoples in relation to their grasp of whiteness, have enacted white supremacy upon Black and Brown bodies for varying purposes. White Self Determination does not exist because the white body may already determine its freedom to an extent.
For that reason it is wholly white supremacy under a de colonial veil, full stop. I say this because we already know, and our white “comrades,” already acknowledge the fact that antiBlackness is global. The Scottish nationalist does not care about Scottish self determination—
when it concerns non-wholly Celtic peoples. The Black and Brown Scottish peoples will in fact be and already are endangered, we know this. “European,” self determination is valid when it incorporates the disenfranchised Black and Brown peoples existing within fascist Europe.
These types always get upset that we (Black and Brown peoples) refuse to accept all solidarity with the white proletarian, or rather white “leftist,” when we know that at any time, they can and will reveal their (un)conscious proximity to white supremacy and act upon it.
antiBlackness = white Supremacy.
Antiwhite =\\= Black Supremacy.
Black (Power) Supremacy =\\= white (Power) Supremacy.
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