Ballots are arriving in the mail and it's our opportunity to remove Trump's dysfunctional government in Washington. But two local ballot measures, 2E & 2G, will bring that dysfunction home to Denver.
One measure gives City Council the ability to circumvent the budget process mid-year, the other gives City Council D.C.-style confirmation power over Charter Mayoral appointees.
These measures aren't about oversight - they're solutions in search of problems we don't have, and worse, they could erode our ability, and that of future mayors, to appropriately manage city agencies and funding.
2E & 2G in practice could fuel the type of dysfunctional and obstructive politics we've grown tired of in Washington, and will inhibit our recovery.
As the only Mayor to have served on City Council, I know what the job requires and I have a strong and collaborative relationship with City Council on both of these issues.
We know how destructive these measures could be for good government here in Denver, which is why former City Council members Elbra Wedgeworth, Jeannie Faatz, Charlie Brown, Joyce Foster, Ramona Martinez and Rosemary Rodriguez are vocally opposing these measures.
The city's ability to attract talent in public service and responsibly manage the budget are what makes Denver the ONLY city in America with a AAA bond rating from all three national accrediting agencies.
It's why many experts believe Denver is poised to recover from COVID-19 faster and stronger than other cities.
Politics and personalities shouldn't stand in the way of doing the work the people sent us here to do, they depend on us to run our city well - especially now.
We've already had a taste of what this brand of politics can do to stand in the way of good proposals being passed or on the basic proceedings of council meetings being disrupted.
It doesn't help anyone, and only serves to advance personal agendas, not the agenda of the people of Denver.
And I know these disruptions do not reflect the majority of Denver's City Council, nor the collaborative public service we see every day by most Councilmembers and their staff.
But they do show how your priorities, and the work you need your city to do, can be undermined by even a few bent on disruption.
So, I hope you will vote against these dysfunctional measures, and encourage your friends and others to vote out dysfunction in DC and prevent dysfunction in Denver. Vote NO on 2E & 2G.
You can follow @HancockforDen.
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