Socialist and Communist Society: [A Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Thread]

This thread will answer the following;

1. What are the relationships and differences between a socialist and a communist society?

2. What conditions must be created for communism to be realised?
Lenin said; "The only thing that mankind can do is make the transition directly from capitalism to socialism, namely to make the transition to public ownership over the means of production and and distribute according to labour."

Lenin here teaches us that in a socialist...
Society, public ownership over production has been established, the labourers have become the masters of society and socialist enterprises, and Marxism has become the guiding thought of society. In these respects, socialist society posses elements of its future self - communism.
However socialist society is still an incomplete communist society... as such, while the bourgeoisie and the exploiting classes have been overthrown, but their influence on the economy, ideology and politics remain.

The distinctions between rural and urban areas, physical...
And mental labour, as well as worker and [formerly] peasant remain.

In these respects, socialist society differs from communist society. The historical task of the labourers in socialist period is to sweep away all capitalist elements and remainants in the production relation..
[As well as] the superstructure, throughoutfully defeat the bourgeoisie in all fields, eliminate all class distinctions, eliminate all productive relations based on these differences, and eliminate all social relations on which these differences rest.

A socialist society is a necessary preparation for communist society.

So then, what is a communist society? A communist society is a society freed from all traces of the capitalist past - a society with no class distinctions. It is a society in which the social product...
Is abundant. It is a society in which the people possess high level of labour enthusiasm and initiative. It is a stateless society.

According to Marxist theory of scientific socialism, for the communist society to be established, the following conditions must all be met;
1. The through elimination of class distinctions, including the natural disparities between worker and peasant, rural and urban, mental and physical - as well as the bourgeois right enforcing these disparities.

2. The realization of a single communist system of ownership over..
The means of production led by whole people. All the means of production become "a peoples workshop."

3. Creation of abundant social product.

4. The cultivation of high degree of communist consciousness and moral standards.

5. The transformation of the principe...
"From each according to his ability to each according to his work." Into "From each according to his needs." The distribution of social product will be determined by need rather than labour performed.
6. The dictatorship of the proletariat would have completed it's purpose - it would wither away.

From studying the works of Marx, Lenin and Mao, we can learn to use the weapon that is Marxism Leninism Maoism - which is the weapon allowing us to smash thecurrent social order.
Communism is the most progressive, most rational, and most revolutionary system in history. It will mark the end of "human pre-history" and establish a society worth living for thinking human beings.
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