What is bullying and what is not bullying.

~ A thread that some clowns must to read ~
In primary school people were calling me “gay” as an insult 🤢 because I was friends with girls, hated sports and played the sims instead of gta like other boys. In middle school the same people body shamed me and they were made people gang up against me in my classroom.
And I had no friends supporting me through all this. This is a perfect example for bullying.

Let’s look at some other situations which cannot be classified as bullying.
Situation No 1

Making a joke about being a catfish then being accused about possibly being a catfish. Then when people ask to talk to you rationally in DMs rejecting their offer and starting spewing shit to them and to their friends in the timeline.
This is not being bullied. This is you being a toxic ass. You could have talked to that people in the DMs and sorted out a solution to the issue.
Situation No 2

Basically to try to ruin something that others enjoy. Others get angry with you and confront you for your clowneries. You leave them after making them mad. Then you press those peoples buttons, make them angry again. Thus they diss you back. Then you block them.
So this just being childish. Again not being bullied. You could have apologised at the first time when you got caught with your clowneries instead of claiming that you were right. Now we are here because of you ruining stuff.
This thread ends here.
I hope this thread will be useful for people who cannot distinguish the difference between being bullied and not. If you could already do that before you read the thread then this is not intended for you. Have a nice night yall.
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