alastair shouting “lightwood” to warn thomas about a demon but getting christopher’s attention instead.
william trying to act like a responsible parent with sona saying that he always encourages james and lucie to get headlong into situations when she meant the opposite for cordelia.
thomas, christopher and matthew trying to send james to the shadow realm breaking a window, almost punching each other and freaking out will in the middle of the process.
james almost choking as soon as he heard that grace was moving to london followed up by thomas almost choking when he heard that alastair was moving to london.
james getting punished for breaking into a greenhouse and throwing a dramatic tantrum threatening any other greenhouses in the area.
thomas explaining to cordelia and alastair that one side of james’ grandparents are welsh as soon as christopher pointed out that on the other side his grandfather is a demon.
james yelling in the middle of the street that he loves tea just to make cordelia smile and a cab driver replying to him “good for you mate”
matthew complaining that a demon ruined his coat when they were patrolling.
jesse sitting on lucie’s bed and getting all flustered about it because it felt improper. as a ghost.
lucie telling alastair that he lost his hat and him replying that he lost his sister.
will singing welsh songs for ragnor fell. for hours.
anna saying that the girls will have cake and the boys will have nothing with their tea cause that’s the only fair thing to do.
will complaining because james and lucie throw to his face how many reckless and risky things he did at their age so they can’t get punished for their actions.
lucie having a liking for rats.
will being excited about james and cordelia’s engagement because that meant he got a carstairs in the family.
magnus deciding to stay in london for a little bit longer just because he wants to watch the drama that it’s about to go down there.
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