IMPORTANT: Scarcity mindset is what allows many creators/writers/filmmakers to be treated + paid like shit. They so badly want to get a job, they’ll put up with unthinkable behavior. They’ll silence their beliefs + be afraid to speak up. Success has to come on your terms!
Abundance mindset is the way of life. You can’t allow yourself to get desperate. You can’t allow your standards to drop. It happens to many. And it is the quickest route to unhappiness, getting taken advantage of and ultimately giving up with your tail between your legs.
Offers and opportunities with red flags are not actual opportunities or offers at all. They are deals with the Devil. Deals you won’t be able to live with down the line. So, when you find yourself in a situation with red flags, be strong. Know that you deserve better.
You can follow @spyderdobro.
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