"bLaInE cHeAtInG wAs OuT oF cHaRaCtEr" "hE cHeAtEd OvEr OnE mIsSeD cAlL" theres literally a clear progression of him and kurt growing distant from the dance with somebody ep shut the fuck up
im making this a thread:
starting with dance with somebody, the entire klaine storyline was 1. about kurt cheating and 2. kurt only ever talking about nyada. blaine clearly says that he already feels like kurts ready to move on without him, which is why he was being so distant
in the last episode of s3, kurt and blaine had that whole conversation about how nOtHinG wIlL cHaNgE bEtWeEn ThEm because blaine, again, still was scared about being left behind
in 4x01, blaine knew that staying in lima was basically killing kurt, which is why he told him to go to nyc with rachel. (also, the argument that blaine was the only one in the wrong because hes the one that told kurt to leave is bullshit tyvm)
it wasnt just "one missed phone call either". blaine tried calling him all the time, and yeah, kurt was working. but even when they did talk, all kurt did was interrupt and talk about vogue or nyada or how fucking awesome new york was
when blaine won class president, he literally had to lie to sam about kurt being proud of him because he literally never answered the phone (btw this isnt kurt slander i love him with all my heart)
which, obv, leads us to the actual breakup ep
and even without all of that, we literally see blaine abandonment issues all throughout the show this was one of the most in character thing he did
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