1/ Way too many edgelords shadow-boxing Chomsky instead of listening to an elementary point: you call yourself a socialist when your whole theory of change is obsessing over a pageant for head of state, and a freak of nature that rarely happens (Bernie).
2/ After Bernie's 2016 run and the development of an organized left after a long time, this movement never has had a non-fascist president that can be challenged to push for progressive change.
3/ After the failures of the left in the past 50 years, it is just now resurrecting, and the fascist state with their liberal acolytes are preparing to crush it. But between Trump and Biden, the latter is obviously the preferred enemy.
4/ I maxed out donations to Bernie in both cycles, canvassed, tabled at farmers markets and sent out 140,000 texts. I understand the frustration with the Dems. But what kind of a left would rather fight fascists than liberals? There are material issues that need to be attended to
5/ I mean fascism is the sworn enemy of the left. "But the party keeps moving right." Yeah guess what, that's what capitalism does. It is also the failure of the left that allowed it to happen, and as silly non-choices are debated, more failures are accumulating.
6/ The right-wing reactionary international (US, Brazil, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other states) versus the Progressive International (trans-national people's movement by Bernie and Yanis Varufakis that just launched) has set the stage for the next 10-20 years.
7/ And there are urgent matters domestically and internationally - income inequality, climate breakdown, decay of left institutions like unions etc. to name a few.

Annoying liberals got you feeling contrarian? Fuck them, keep the bigger project in mind.
8/ But sure, let's monetize podcasts and youtube drivel, fantasy footballing over elections that are not even a choice, at the expense of broader organized action - completely buying into the narrow politics of state capitalism.
9/ In the absence of an active and organized left, elections will merely remain funding rounds for capital interests in the country. Again, it's been merely 4 years, with no nominally functional government to appeal to. Stop wasting precious time. https://medium.com/discourse/morality-rocks-and-hard-places-5532afdce26a
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