10 fundamental concepts of Audience Building

Most of these concepts have been learned by yours truly David Mendes in the last 6 months.

This will be the simplified and fundamental version of everything I learned so far on Twitter Dot Com regarding building an audience.

Let’s go
Concept 1 – Everyone can do it with the right mindset, tools, and consistency.

We all have something unique to offer.

Find that one thing and bring it to the public, someone out there will resonate.
Leverage tools to create content and stay consistent enough for people to build a bond with you.
Concept 2 – Play long term-games with long-term people.

Building an audience is a long-term game and should be planned/played as such.

Tactics will get you fast growth, but building an audience is not about followers but about creating connections.
The number on your follower count is a representation of human beings.

If you look at it as digits, you’ll build nothing but a dead following.
Concept 3 – Momentum is king

Much like all things in life, momentum is the ultimate leverage when it comes to this building a tribe thing.

You have to stay consistent long enough for word of mouth to start spreading.
When momentum builds up, you’ll start playing on easy mode.

Keep going until it does.
Concept 4 – You get to choose who you attract.

Your profile setup and your content will determine the type of people you’ll attract to your audience.

Inputs = Outputs.

Post garbage attract garbage.

Post quality, attract quality.
Concept 5 – “Your network is your net worth.”

Besides momentum, this will be your other big leverage.

Genuine connection goes a long way.

Provide them solutions, entertainment, and most importantly, be real.
The more you do this, the more people will want to help you expand and grow and see you win.
Concept 6 – Tactics are useful and they work but nothing replaces an authentic personality.

You can use all the “growth tactics” out there.

But once again… If there’s no personality behind the content, your account is as good as the next one.
Never sacrifice personality for the sake of tactics.
Concept 7 – People follow value providers.

Teach or entertain.

When they click that follow button they’re excepting one or the other.

If you can’t do either, don’t get discouraged, keep experimenting until you can.
Concept 8 – Find the perfect mix of quality and quantity.

The game is all about providing high-quality enough content at a relatively consistent and frequent rate.

From all the data collected so far, I found that the balance between the two is what moves the needle forward.
Don’t sacrifice one for the sake of the other.
Concept 9 - Posting platitudes will get you followers, being your unapologetic self will get you fans.

It’s that simple.

People come because of platitudes.

They stay when you say something that you believe in but are unapologetic about it.
Sometimes you’ll lose followers because of this content and that’s perfectly fine.
Concept 10 – Don’t stop living.

This one is self-explanatory

The more you experience, the more you learn.

People may like your content but novelty also plays a role.

If you keep posting the same content over and over it means you’ve stagnated.
People join because they want to embark on the evolution with you.

So don’t stop evolving.
You can follow @YouActualized.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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