My feminism is NONPARTISAN.

My feminism CENTERS WOMEN.

The hypocrisy of vilifying women for creating allies on the right when the left is filled with an equal amount of homophobia, misogyny, and racism is simply galling. Is Julie Bindel naive?!
Articles like this are simply divisive. The left is no friend to feminism any more than the right. Allying with either side comes with costs & benefits. But to act like the left is somehow better or above the right in terms of its morality is a gross misrepresentation.
The left starts wars too, the left is filled with corporate capitalist monoliths too, the left exploits women too, the left exploits black people too, the left is filled with religious extremism too, the left colonizes the economies of other countries while pushing empire too.
Governments & politics are corrupt. Both sides support consumer capitalism above all else. In all that I do I CENTER WOMEN. If we find allies or support on one side or the other in support of women GREAT, but choosing the left or the right over centering women, that is a failure.
Bindel ends with this quote: Audrey Lorde said: “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us to temporarily beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.”

The master lives in the house of the LEFT too!
Bending myself into a shape in which the Left will accept me is like trying to twist myself into staying with an arrogant and slightly abusive boyfriend. But I'm not a teenager anymore, so I'm done with twisting myself into a shape that pleases others.
It's up to the LEFT or RIGHT to impress me, to build a political platform that I'd be willing to support, that represents the needs of women/girls. But guess what, so far, both parties have built platforms...
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