1/ Quick thread on this video, as I loved so many points made here, including:

- Bitcoin needing “legitimacy” from bankers/institutional investors
- Why hyperbitcoinization is wrong
- Building a circular economy
- Rise of privacy as Bitcoin starts to solve real problems https://twitter.com/aantonop/status/1315004202410749958
2/ “People are going to have to choose; they’re going to have to choose between a Bitcoin that works and actually solves a problem, and a Bitcoin that’s ‘legitimate’ and owned by the banks, but doesn’t actually solve a problem. Because if it did, it would be illegal.”
3/ Time to get on the #NoKYC, CoinJoin, and privacy-preserving cryptocurrency (I.e. Monero) trains now while its “easy”.

The focus on CoinJoin and Monero by IRS, DOJ, and DHS points to this reality more and more.
4/ “I criticize those pitching ‘hyperbitcoinization’ or a kind of voluntary transfer of power. It’s never happened in history; it’s not going to happen now. We’re in for a fight, and in that fight they’re going to first call us criminals for using this technology.”
5/ “When you get paid in cryptocurrency for your goods and services, and you pay others in cryptocurrency for their goods and services, there are no on-ramps and off-ramps. It’s a closed economy, a circular economy; and to me that’s always been the ultimate goal.”
6/ Building a circular economy is something I also view as the ultimate goal, and love seeing any project or person helping to drive that forward.

Remember to push your favorite merchants and services to start accepting #Bitcoin and #Monero to help drive this!

And earn them 😉
7/ “Where do you want to see Bitcoins future?”

“In Bitcoin, the most important thing is privacy; privacy over everything else. If we don’t make Bitcoin more private and more fungible, it will not survive a concerted and state level attack that... punishes people for using it.”
8/ privacy cont.

“Anonymity is the only way we can make robust systems that allow individuals to assert their rights and their freedoms without then being punished by an authoritarian system.”
9/ privacy cont.

“The only reason Bitcoin hasn’t come under attack is because it’s not systemically dangerous yet. If Bitcoin doesn’t do it, that’s not the end; it just means that other systems will. That’s why I’m also interested in privacy coins.”
10/ privacy cont.

“That’s more important than scaling, that’s more important than user interface design, it’s more important than the next moon shot.”

Lamar: “If we avoided fiat on ramps, would Bitcoin be private enough?” (Paraphrased)
11/ privacy cont.

“No, it wouldn’t be enough. The reason it wouldn’t be enough is because if you have anonymity today and you make transactions but in the future your privacy is breached, they got you... They can go back in the history and unravel everything you’ve ever done.”
12/ privacy cont.

“It’s not good enough to simply stop the points at which identity gets attached to your addresses.

You have to go back and not leave trails to crimes you didn’t know you were committing because they weren’t crimes then.”
13/ privacy cont.

“If you don’t have that level of robustness (privacy) then you have a problem, which is why we have to sort this stuff out. I still think this is the top priority for Bitcoin and for every blockchain.”

“Illegal is an issue of a moment in time.”
14/ privacy cont.

“Without privacy, you have no other rights; it’s as simple as that. If you are stripped of your privacy you can be stripped of every other right... Privacy is a foundational freedom, and without it all of the other things wash away so, so quickly.”
15/ privacy cont.

“I hope that you live in a place where you don’t need [the ability to fight authoritarian govs via privacy] right now, how wonderful that is.

Billions of people already live in a place where they desperately need this.”
F/ Thankful for the open and honest dialogue as usual, @aantonop, we need more of that in the space!

And thanks to @bigmarh for hosting and asking some great questions.
You can follow @sethforprivacy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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