people hate bts so much that the second bts achieve something historical, they say it’s now “meaningless” and “easy”. it was never easy for bts, they face racism and xenophobia and don’t have the same industry support as ur faves. where’s the same energy when artists bundled??
artists did payola, bundled, used shady gimmicks to chart and achieve things. bts is one of the only artists who are organic! they came from nothing and aren’t even signed to an American label! THEY paved the way and broke into the west! where they are outselling their peers!
I get why you are mad. bts’s existence exposes all the flaws in the industry. the kpop indsutry wanted them gone and ignored their achievements, and the west never gives them the treatment and recognition they deserve
you just hate to see bts succeed. that’s why you are mad. you are insecure that a group of POC men was able to dominate and outsell the industry with everyone working against them. you hate the fact that their music resonates with millions. you hate that they make your faves look
desperate with their 60 bundles or whatever. you hate that other acts wouldn’t be able to do this if they were in the same position as bts. you hate that bts is #1. I get it. continue crying. bts will always win in the end.
bts had it harder than everyone else. THEY had to work 10x harder than their American counterparts. no playlisting, radio play, constantly snubbed of the recognition they deserve to the point they reached heights no other act is right now but still are hated on and ignored
and the constant mediaplay? you have no idea how historical their achievements are especially because it proves bts has millions of people on their side as much as a lot want to stop them. or maybe you do. and you don’t like that
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