While @BenSasse gives his "Oh, Im so much purer than everyone else, let me tell you about civics," let's discuss what a lying sleaze he is.

He declared in 2016 that Merrick Garland would not be confirmed. Period..../1
...so the president and the senate can do whatever they want under the Constitution. Got it.

2nd, he said hed confirm only if Obama's nominee specifically repudiated the very concept that Obama used sometimes, but Sasse cheered when Trump made it a hallmark of his presidency...
...oh, and once again, he said of COURSE he would confirm a nominee, if of course, that nominee followed the policy prescriptions Sasse wanted, until Trump took unilateralism and turned it into a sledgehammer, to Sasse's cheers....
..so @BenSasse - if you're going to be a hypocritical sleaze, own your hypocritical sleaziness. Dont ask us to ignore your words & bow down before you now for your "apolitical" positions

The GOP's full of cowards unwilling to say what everyone knows: "We did this cause we lied."
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