toxicity found in same-sex relationships, that ppl try to sugar coat or fetishize 🚩
• the “man” and the “woman” in the relationship, first of all someone who is dressing/acting in a certain way that society perceives ad feminine or masculine DOESNT mean that they are now a man or a woman, no same sex relationships are SAME SEX
• being overly controlling, is very fetishized in same sex relationships especially mlm, it’s not cute at all it’s disturbing actually
TW// rape
• a lot of p*rn industries try to fetishize rape, where the rapist is the same sex as the victim. That’s a whole fuxking crime. Society doesn’t even care bec they don’t even acknowledge that women can be rapists too which-
Belittles and hurts the victim (whatever gender they are), rape is rape and it shouldn’t be fetishized no matter what
TW// pedophilia
•now, a lot of ppl associate pedos with lgbtq ppl which is very disgusting and disturbing, however media plays a huge role in the image. For example the student x teacher who both are females or the dad x stepson shit or mommy x daughter-
These things are utterly disgusting and shouldn’t be sexualized or romanticized in any matter plus it harms the the lgbtq community in A LOT OF WAYS
• the super confused gay and the always dumbed gay is an idea that films always put, like it’s always two gays fall in love, one gets too scared and gets married to someone from the opposite gender then invites the person they dumped-
Like what’s even romantic about this, is it the “lemme play with this person’s feelings bec I am sexually confused” or is it the religious trauma ???
end of thread ✨
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