One our first date I told David that I’d always wanted a romantic relationship where my partner would read books aloud with me. On our third date we went to the bookshop by his apartment in Brooklyn.
We bought a copy of The Hobbit, because we’d both already read it, and it seemed like a good starter read aloud book. We went back to his place.
We snuggled up on his couch and opened it up. I took the first turn.
I grew up in a family that read aloud. I was a theatre kid growing up. I adore the sound of my own voice.
I gave a PERFORMANCE. Distinct voices for each character. Those dwarf songs? I made up a melody and full on sang ‘em. I got so caught up in what I was doing that I sort of forgot I was on a date.
When I was done, I felt terrific. Handed him the book so he could read the next bit, and my god, his face. He looked shocked. He was speechless. And it sort of dawned on me that I had FULLY UNLEASHED myself on what was, after all, only the 3rd date.
I instantly wanted to die. I turned bright red. I remember trying to tug the book back out of his hands so that I could go throw it in the trash and myself after it.
He wrestled the book back from me, called me “honey” for the first time while insisting I let him read, and cleared his throat.
And I sat there in utter amazement while he gave it his absolute all. The *worst* voices, that all sounded exactly alike except some were a little louder than others. The most off-key, meandering singing. It was a mess, and he knew it, but he COMMITTED. He read with GUSTO.
And I started crying, because I immediately fell in love with him.
We started reading The Hobbit to our daughter and she keeps asking me why I cry every time, and I tell her it’s because it reminds me of falling in love.
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