This is so upsetting. “Parent Choice” seems so innocent as does “back to basics” Math. It’s easy to get behind those sentiments right? Who could possible be opposed? They are lazy & disingenuous arguments and we can’t let the UCP get away with them.
It’s much harder to have a real conversation about what “choice” really means. Who is privileged enough to make those choices? What do those “choices” do to public education? How much do those “choices” cost the taxpayer?
And most importantly, what impact do these “choices” have on the wellbeing of our students and communities? This conversation deserves much more than the drivel we’re seeing from the Premier.
As for curriculum, it’s no coincidence that Kenney chose Math as his example. “Discovery Math” was never popular, was over hyped by many divisions and had questionable results, sure. Though it never replaced the “old Math,” it has become a popular scapegoat for curricular review.
The real, and unspoken issue here, is the desire for this government to insert their own ideology into the program of studies.
Based on but a single poor example where students were asked to identify arguments for and against oil sands development, the UCP are hell bent on a pro-fossil fuel narrative. Apparently, it’s out with critical thinking, and in with their world view. Oh the hypocrisy!
What’s worse, is the fellow leading up the curriculum review is on the record as saying First Nations perspectives have no place in Alberta schools and they are but “a fad,” echoing sentiments expressed by opposition UCP members a couple of years ago. So much for reconciliation.
I have deep concerns about what this government is doing with the Education file but what scares me the most is that much if it will fly over the heads of most Albertans.
Issues of school type and curriculum are complex and nuanced but when hidden behind superficial platitudes like “parental choice” and “back to basics Math,” dangerous ideals become easily saleable. Quite frankly it’s a brilliant strategy.
Combine all of this with the fact that the number of journalists and media personalities challenging these ideas seems to be decreasing by the week. Its hard not to get discouraged.
I suspect this thread will fall mostly on sympathetic ears and as such I encourage you all to keep the conversation going. Don’t just retweet. Talk to your friends, families, & neighbours and let’s make sure Albertans won’t be fooled by the Premier’s buzzwords.
You can follow @nkorotash.
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