Middle of a pandemic which has demonstrated the enormous benefits of being part of the UK and @theSNP runs a PPB about independence, aiming to divide people and make us less able to help each other. Never doubt that that is the only thing they care about. It's who they are.
The change that must come is that the country has to move on from the simplistic, easy answer of independence and the implicit pretence that it will solve our problems, and on to a realistic, rational assessment of the problems division would actually create for us all.
Also fascinating to see one of the "No to Yes" people in the PPB cite that in 2014 we were told a Yes vote would mean Scotland leaving the EU. It's heavily implied that that wasn't true, but it absolutely was. Had we voted Yes in 2014 we'd have been out of the UK and EU in 2016.
The implicit suggestion was that the No side in 2014 misled people on the EU. They did not. It was not the No vote in 2014 that took us out of the EU, it was the Leave vote in 2016. This rewriting of history has been essential to the SNP's dishonest betrayal narrative since 2016.
It continues to amaze me the number of people who were emphatic Yes voters in 2014 claiming that they only want a second ref now because we were taken out of the EU "against our will". You *literally* voted to take us out of both the UK and the EU in 2014, you massive hypocrites.
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