tw // tics

since im tired of seeing tic disorders and stuff about them swept under the rug so much heres a small thread to help educate people and talk about some stuff that often isnt brought up
please note that every single person is different and this thread is based around MY experiences so please ask every person with tics (if needed) what triggers them and how to possibly help them
tics are sudden and involuntary movements of the body or vocal/sounds people make. while the tics themselves dont hurt, some people (like myself) have tics which we hit, pick, scratch or harm ourselves.
tic attacks: tic attacks are pretty much how they sound, they are sudden attacks of tics that can last 20 minutes- 1hr depending on what caused it. a lot of the time anxiety, stress, or being overstimulated can cause attacks. sometimes they can even randomly happen
tic attacks while seem harmless, are horribIe, the constant ticcing gets annoying and stressful and the self harm tics can hurt us sometimes ending up in cuts, scars bruises and if we are around things like stairs or balconies it can end up even worse .
ableism: it makes me so upset when people ignore ableism towards tics. there are many things that are ableist. making fun of the tics or mocking them are of course ableist but it goes further than that
when people talk about wanting tics, you are sugarcoating tics and making them seem like something that is nice and fun, and plenty of people have expressed the discomfort when non-tic people say that. fonts, eye strain, and other tic triggers. this is the biggest one
so many people have tic triggers and people ignore those, even after being educated. fonts dont seem like much but those bigger fonts and the ones that are harder to read can sometimes cause the brain to have a hard time reading it and that can cause someone to be stressed or
panic, which can result in tics being triggered. people who have anxiety over the "cursed text" if they have tics you can not only cause a panic attack but also a tic attack. eye strain is very triggering too because theres just so much going on and it can make tics appear more
fonts, and eyestrain are already ableist for MANY reasons which people already express but please stop leaving tics and what they can do to people with tic disorders out of those tweets. please tw stuff that people ask to be tw and dont EVER try and cause a tic attack on purpose
talking about tics to some people can trigger them, so always tw or cw tics on tweets, please dont ever mock twitching or scratching anything like that plz thats disgusting enough but also very inconsiderate to ppl with tics.
this was rushed and i feel like i forgot so much but plz feel free to ask questions
if u start to be as$holes to me i will delete this thread thanks
oh please dont make them seem sexual either, please ive seen so many people seem like this cute seuxal thing and i hate it so much they are NOT an enjoyable experience ffs
I FORGOT TO ADD STUFF SO PLEASE READ THIS ! emoji overuse , and tweeting "like??this??or!!like!!this!!" can cause tics so PLEASE PLEASE stop doing it in full tweet form
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